About Trump

The timing is right for everyone to understand what Donald Trump is doing, and try to decrypt the ambiguity of how he is doing it. The controversial President has a much clearer agenda than anyone can imagine on both foreign policy and internal affairs, but since he has to stay in power or even stay alive to achieve his objectives, his strategy is so refined and subtle that next to no one can see it. His overall objective is so ambitious that he has to follow random elliptic courses to get from point A to point B, using patterns that throw people off on their comprehension of the man. That includes most independent journalists and so-called alternative analysts, as much as Western mainstream fake-news publishers and a large majority of the population.

About his strategy, I could make a quick and accurate analogy with medication: most pills are designed to cure a problem, but come with an array of secondary after-effects. Well, Trump is using medication solely for their after-effects, while the first intent of the pill is what’s keeping him in power and alive. By the end of this article, you’ll see that this metaphor applies for just about every decision, move or declaration he’s made. Once you understand what Trump is about, you’ll be able to appreciate the extraordinary presidency he’s conducting, like no predecessor ever came close to match.

To start off, let’s clear the one aspect of his mission that is straightforward and terribly direct: he’s the first and only American President to ever address humanity’s worst collective flaw, its total ignorance of reality. Because medias and education are both controlled by the handful of billionaires that are running the planet, we don’t know anything about our history that’s been twisted dry by the winners, and we don’t have a clue about our present world. As he stepped in the political arena, Donald popularized the expression «fake news» to convince the American citizens, and the world population as well, that medias always lie to you. The expression has now become commonplace, but do you realize how deeply shocking is the fact that nearly everything you think you know is totally fake? Media lies don’t just cover history and politics, but they have shaped your false perception on topics like economy, food, climate, health, on everything. What if I told you that we know exactly who shot JFK from the grassy knoll, that the foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor was proven in court, that the CO2 greenhouse effect is scientifically absurd, that our money is created through loans by banks who don’t even have the funds, or that science proves with a 100% certainty that 911 was an inside job? Ever heard of a mainstream journalist, PBS documentary or university teacher telling you about any of this? 44 Presidents came and went without even raising one word about this huge problem, before the 45th came along. Trump knows that freeing the people out of this unfathomable ignorance is the first step to overall freedom, so he started calling mainstream journalists and their news outlets for what they are: pathological liars.

«Thousands of mental health professionals agree with Woodward and the New York Times op-ed author: Trump is dangerous.»

Bandy X. Lee, The Conversation 2018

«The question is not whether the President is crazy but whether he is crazy like a fox or crazy like crazy.»

Masha Gessen, The New Yorker 2017

Let’s make one thing clear: to the establishment, Trump isn’t mentally challenged, but he’s definitely seen as a possible nemesis of their world. Ever since he moved in the White House, Trump has been depicted as a narcissist, a racist, a sexist and a climate-skeptic, loaded with shady past stories and mental issues. Even though an approximate 60% of the American people don’t trust medias anymore, many have bought the story that Trump might be slightly crazy or unfit to rule, and the statistic climbs even higher when you get out of the USA. Of course, Donald isn’t doing anything special to change the deeply negative perception that so many journalists and people alike have about him. He’s openly outrageous and provocative on Twitter, he sounds impulsive and dumb most of the time, acts irrationally, lies on a daily basis, and throws out sanctions and threats as if they were candy canes out of an elf’s side bag in a mall in December. Right away, we can destroy one persistent media myth: the image Trump is projecting is self-destructive and it’s the exact opposite of how pathological narcissists act, since they thrive to be loved and admired by everyone. Donald simply doesn’t care if you like him or not, which makes him the ultimate anti-narcissist, by its psychological definition. And that’s not even up for opinion, it’s a quite simple and undeniable fact.

Trump and the swampHis general plan exhales from one of his favorite motto: «We will give power back to the people», because the United States and its imperialist web woven over the world have been in the hands of a few globalist bankers, military industrials and multinationals for more than a century. To achieve his plan, he has to end wars abroad, bring back the kids, dismantle the NATO and CIA, get control over the Federal Reserve, cut every link with foreign allies, abolish the Swift financial system, demolish the propaganda power of the medias, drain the swamp of the deep state that’s running the spying agencies and disable the shadow government that’s lurking in the Council on foreign relations and Trilateral Commission’s offices. In short, he has to destroy the New World Order and its globalist ideology. The task is huge and dangerous to say the least. Thankfully, he’s not alone.

Before we get on his techniques and tactics, we have to know a little bit more about what’s really been going on in the world.

Mighty Russia

Since Peter the Great, the whole history of Russia is a permanent demonstration of its will to maintain its political and economical independence from international banks and imperialism, pushing this great nation to help many smaller countries fighting to keep their own independence. Twice Russia helped the United States against the British/Rothschild Empire; first by openly supporting them in the Independence War, and again in the Civil War, when Rothschild’s were funding the Confederates to politically break down the nation to bring it back in the British colonial Empire’s coop. Russia also destroyed Napoleon and the Nazis, whom were both funded by international banks as tools to crush economically independent nations. Independence is in their DNA. After almost a decade of Western oligarchy taking over Russia’s economy after the fall of USSR in 1991, Putin took power and drained the Russian swamp. Since then, each and every move that he has made aims to destroy the American Empire, or the entity that replaced the British Empire in 1944, which is the non-conspiracy theory name of the New World Order. The new empire is basically the same central banking scheme, with just a slightly different set of owners that switched the British army for NATO, as their world Gestapo.

Until Trump came along, Putin was single handedly fighting the New World Order who’s century-old obsession is the control of the world oil market, since oil is the blood running through the veins of the world economy. Oil is a thousand times more valuable than gold. Cargo ships, airplanes and armies don’t run on batteries. Therefore, to counter the globalists, Putin developed the best offensive and defensive missile systems, with the result that Russia can now protect every independent oil producer such as Syria, Venezuela and Iran. Central bankers and the US shadow government are still hanging on to their dying plan, because without a victory in Syria, there’s no enlarging Israel, thus ending the century-old fantasy of uniting the Middle East oil production in the hands of the New World Order. Ask Lord Balfour if you have any doubt. That’s the real stake of the Syrian war, it’s nothing short of do or die.Syrian-Russian victory

A century of lies

Now, because a shadow government is giving direct orders to the CIA and NATO in the name of banks and industries, Trump has no control over the military. The deep state is a rosary of permanent officials ruling Washington and the Pentagon, that only respond to their orders. If you still believe that the «Commander in chief» is in charge, explain why every time Trump ordered to pull out of Syria and Afghanistan, more troops came in? As I’m writing this text, US and NATO troops pulled out of the Kurdish zones, went to Iraq, and came back with heavier equipment around the oil reserves of Syria. Donald has a lot more of swamp draining to do before the Pentagon actually listens to anything he says. Trump should be outraged and denunciate out loud that the military command doesn’t bother about what he thinks, but this would ignite an unimaginable chaos, and perhaps even a civil war in the US, if the citizens who own roughly 393 million weapons in their homes were to learn that private interests are in charge of the military. It would also lead to a very simple but dramatic question: «What is exactly the purpose of democracy?» These weapons are the titanium fences guarding the population from a totalitarian Big Brother.

One has to realize how much trouble the US army and spying agencies have been going through in creating false-flag operations for more than a century, so that their interventions always looked righteous, in the name of democracy promotion, human rights and justice around the planet. They blew up the Maine ship in 1898 to enter the Hispanic-American war, then the Lusitania in 1915 to enter WW1. They pushed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor in 1941, knew about the attack 10 days in advance and said nothing to the Hawaiian base. They made up a North Vietnamese torpedo aggression on their ships in the Tonkin Bay to justify sending boots on the Vietnamese ground. They made up a story of Iraqi soldiers destroying nurseries to invade Kuwait in 1991. They invented mass destruction weapons to attack Iraq again in 2003, and organized 911 to shred the 1789 Constitution, attack Afghanistan and launch a War on terror. This totally fake mask of virtue has to be preserved for controlling the opinion of the American citizens and their domestic arsenal, who have to believe that they wear the white cowboy hats of democracy.

US PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH MAKES A POINT DURING SPEECH TO ARMY TROOPS INTEXAS.So how did Trump react when he learned that American troops were re-entering Syria? He repeated again and again in every interview and declaration that «we have secured the oil fields of Syria», and even added «I’m thinking about sending Exxon in the region to take care of the Syrian oil». Neocons, Zionists and banks were thrilled, but everyone else is outraged, because the vast majority doesn’t understand that Trump is swallowing this pill solely for its after-effects. On this single bottle is written in fine print that «the use of this drug might force American-NATO troops out of Syria under the pressure of the united world community and flabbergasted American population.» Trump made the situation unsustainable for NATO to stay in Syria, and how he’s been repeating this deeply shocking, politically incorrect position clearly shows his real intention. He destroyed over a century of fake virtue in a single sentence.

Trump is a historical anomaly

Trump is only the fourth president in US history to actually fight for the people, unlike all 41 others, who mainly channeled the people’s money in a pipeline of dollars that ends up in private banks. First there was Andrew Jackson who was shot after he destroyed the Second National Bank that he openly accused of being controlled by the Rothschild and The City in London. Then there was Abraham Lincoln, who was murdered after printing his «greenbacks», national money that the state issued to pay the soldiers because Lincoln had refused to borrow money from Rothschild at 24% interest. Then there was JFK, who was killed for a dozen reasons that mostly went against the banks and military industries profits, and now is Donald Trump, who shouted that he would «Give America back to the people».

Like most businessmen, Trump hates banks, for the formidable power that they have over the economy. Just take a peek at Henry Ford’s only book, «The International Jew» to find out how deep was his distrust and hatred of international banks. Trump’s businesses have suffered a lot because of these institutions that basically sell you an umbrella, only to take it back as soon as it rains. Private banking’s control over money creation and interest rates, through every Central Bank of almost every country is a permanent power over nations, far above the ephemeral cycle of politicians. By the year 2000, these nation looters were only a few steps away from their planetary totalitarian dream, but a couple of details stood still: Vladimir Putin and 393 million American weapons. Then came along orange-faced Donald, the last piece in the puzzle that we the people, needed to terminate 250 years of the banking empire.

Techniques and tactics

Early in his mandate, Trump naively tried the direct approach, by surrounding himself with establishment rebels like Michael Flynn and Steve Bannon, then by annoying each and everyone of his foreign allies, shredding their free-trade treaties, imposing taxes on imports and insulting them in their face in the G7 meetings of 2017 and 2018. The reaction was strong and everyone doubled-down on the Russiagate absurdity, as it looked like the only option to stop the man on his path of globalism destruction. Predictably, the direct approach went nowhere; Flynn and Bannon had to go, and Trump was entangled in a handful of inquiries that made him realize that he wouldn’t get anything accomplished with transparency. He had to find a way to annihilate the most dangerous people on the planet, but at the same time, stay in power and alive. He had to smarten up.

That’s when his genius exploded on the world. He completely changed his strategy and approach, and started taking absurd decisions and tweeting outrageous declarations. As threatening and dangerous as some of these first looked, Trump didn’t use them for their first degree meaning, but was aiming at the genuine second degree effects that his moves would have. And he didn’t care about what people thought of him as he did, for only results count in the end. He would even play buffoon over Twitter, look naive, lunatic or downright idiotic, perhaps in the hope to impregnate the belief that he didn’t know what he’s doing, and that he couldn’t be that dangerous. He’s willfully being politically incorrect to show the ugly face that the United States are hiding behind their mask.

Trump-Kim summit in HanoiThe first test on his new approach was to try to stop the growing danger of an attack and invasion of North Korea by NATO. Trump insulted Kim Jung-Un through Twitter, called him Rocket Man, and threatened to nuke North Korea to the ground. His raging political incorrectness went on for weeks until it sank in everyone’s minds that those were not good reasons to attack a country. He paralyzed NATO. Trump then met Rocket Man, and they walked in the park with the start of a beautiful friendship, laughing together, while accomplishing absolutely nothing in their negotiations, since they have nothing to negotiate about. Many were talking about the Nobel price for peace, because many don’t know that it’s usually handed to whitewash war criminals like Obama or Kissinger.

Then came Venezuela. Trump pushed his tactic a step further, to make sure that no one could support an attack on the free country. He put the worst neo-cons available on the case: Elliott Abrams, formerly convicted of conspiracy in the Iran-Contras deal in the ’80s and John Bolton, famous first-degree warmonger. Trump then confirmed Juan Guaido as his choice for president of Venezuela; an empty puppet so dumb that he can’t even see how much he’s being used. Again, Trump threatened to burn the country to rubbles, while the world community watched in awe the total lack of subtlety and diplomacy in Trump’s behavior, with the result that Brazil and Colombia backed away and said they wanted nothing to do with an attack on Venezuela. Trump’s medicine left only 40 satellite countries worldwide, with Presidents and Prime Ministers brain dead enough to shyly support Guaido the Jester. Donald checked the box beside Venezuela on his list and kept scrolling down.

Then came the two gifts to Israel: Jerusalem as a capital, and the Syrian Golan Heights as its confirmed possession. Netanyahu whom isn’t the sharpest pencil in the box jumped of joy, and everyone yelled that Trump was a Zionist. The real after-effect result was that the whole of the Middle East united against Israel, which no one can support anymore. Even their historical accomplice Saudi Arabia had to openly disapprove this huge slap in the face of Islam. The two Trump gifts were in fact back stabs in the Israel state, whose future doesn’t look too bright nowadays, since NATO will have to move out of the region. Check again.

As reality sinks in

But there’s more! With his lack of control over NATO and the army, Trump is very limited in his actions. At first glance, the outstanding multiplication of economical sanctions on countries like Russia, Turkey, China, Iran, Venezuela and other nations look tough and merciless, but the reality of these sanctions pushed those countries out of the Swift financial system designed to keep enslaving nations through the dollar hegemony, and they’re all slipping away from the international banks’ grip. It forced Russia, China and India to create an alternative system of trade payments based on national currencies, instead of the almighty dollar. The bipolar reality of the world is now official, and with his upcoming next sanctions, Trump will push more countries out of the Swift system to join the other side, while important banks are starting to fall in Europe.

Even in the political hurricane Trump is in, he still finds time to display his almost childish arrogant humor. Look at his grandiose mockery of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama, as he sat down with the most straight-faced generals he could find, to take a picture in a so-called «situation room» as they faked the monitoring of the death of Baghdadi somewhere he couldn’t be, exactly like his criminal predecessors did a long time ago with the fake Bin Laden killing. He even pushed the farce to adding the details of a dog recognizing Daesch’s fake caliph by sniffing his underwear. Now that you understand what Trump is really about, you will also be able to appreciate the show, in all of its splendor and true meaning.

«We have secured the oil fields of Syria». Indeed, with this short sentence, Trump joined his voice to that of General Smedley Butler who rocked the world 80 years ago with a tiny book called «War is a racket». Looting and stealing oil is definitely not as virtuous as promoting democracy and justice. What amazes me is those numerous «alternative» journalists and analysts, who know on the tip of their fingers every technical problem about 911, or scientific reality on the absurd global warming story, but still don’t have a clue about what Trump is doing, 3 years in his mandate, because they bought the mainstream media that convinced everyone that Trump is mentally challenged.

ButlerFor those who still entertain doubts about Trump’s agenda, do you really believe that the obvious implosion of American Imperialism over the planet is a coincidence? Do you still believe that its because of the Russian influence on the 2016 election that the CIA, the FBI, every media, the American Congress, the Federal Reserve, the Democratic party and the warmongering half of the Republicans are working against him and are even trying to impeach him? Like most stuff that comes out of medias, reality is the exact opposite of what you’re being told: Trump might be the most dedicated man to ever set foot in the Oval office. And certainly the most ambitious and politically incorrect.


The world will change drastically between 2020 and 2024. Trump’s second and last mandate coincides with Putin’s last mandate as President of Russia. There may never be another coincidence like this for a long time, and both know that it’s now or perhaps never. Together, they have to end NATO, Swift, and the European Union should crumble. Terrorism and anthropogenic global warming will jump in the vortex and disappear with their creators. Trump will have to drain the swamp in the CIA and Pentagon, and he has to nationalize the Federal Reserve. Along with Xi and Modi, they could put a final end to private banking in public affairs, by refusing to pay a single penny of their debts, and reset the world economy by shifting to national currencies produced by governments, as private banks will fall like dominos, with no more Obama-like servant to bail them out at your expense. Once this is done, unbearable peace and prosperity could roam the planet, as our taxes pay for the development of our countries instead of buying useless military gear and paying interests on loans by bankers who didn’t even have the money in the first place.

If you still don’t understand Donald Trump after reading the above, you’re hopeless. Or you’re might be Trudeau, Macron, Guaido, or any other useful idiot, unaware that the carpet under your feet has already slipped away.

Reposts are welcomed with the reference to ORIENTAL REVIEW.
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  1. > if you still believe that the «Commander in chief» is in charge

    Actually, with regard to Syria, Trump even had publicly said he was not in charge.

    But again using the wording that people enjoyed to interpret somewhere between “reckless fool” and “incompetent savage”

  2. > He completely changed his strategy and approach, and started taking absurd decisions and tweeting outrageous declarations

    Little question, WHEN did it happen?

    Another question, WHEN did Trump finally managed to get uncontrolled unobserved one-on-one talk with Putin, himself of foreign intelligence (professional cheater) and having decade and half of an experience of surviving after landed in the middle of deep state crowd?

  3. Last to the party, but still…
    Guess no one addressed it from this angle yet.

    Patrick B. Ludwig 16/11/2019 at 2:40 PM
    Occam’s razor tells us, that the simplest theory to explain an observation is the one most likely to be true.

    I liked that razor and am actually using it for the last year or two, i guess i started using it when Trump pushed Saudi to attack Qatar (they stopped short of military attack but all other means were used). He pushed one US military base host to attack another US military base host. What an idiot, right?

    Okay, so “the simplest theory to explain an observation”, but this begs a question: WHAT exactly is that YOUR observation.
    By properly framing what you do and do not see you would force the razor to give you different theories.
    In fact, that is exactly the game MSM plays for years, censoring observations.

    If you observe me flipping the coin, then the simplest theory would be me just a regular dude mindlessly flipping a regular straight coin.

    If you observe me flipping the coin and observe the coin dropping down, and observe the coin always landing crown-up – then all of a sudden it changes. Now the simplest theory becomes that the coin is flawed. With the second simplest of me being so capable manipulator that i am able to toss straight coins to always land crowns-up.

    So, now i will repeat yet again the very same question i used to ask since Saudi/Qatar drama.

    Assuming that Trump is a “fair coin”, just an inept idiot doing erratic random follies, he should have about equal number of flips and flops, heads and tails.
    So now, please list me all those Trump idiocies which resulted in increase of USA the global hegemon weight.
    Assuming Trump follies being random – there should be a significant number of those. Maybe less than half, but still many of.

    So far no one named a single case.

    If the question was addressed at all, then it was by drawing in some external factors and conjectures, giving somewhat plausible explanations how Trump-the-fair-coin could be naturally always landing same side up. Which by definition were absolutely anti-razor ones.

  4. I do not understand this bit. I can’t see the logic.

    “Then came the two gifts to Israel: Jerusalem as a capital, and the Syrian Golan Heights as its confirmed possession. Netanyahu whom isn’t the sharpest pencil in the box jumped of joy, and everyone yelled that Trump was a Zionist. The real after-effect result was that the whole of the Middle East united against Israel, which no one can support anymore. Even their historical accomplice Saudi Arabia had to openly disapprove this huge slap in the face of Islam. The two Trump gifts were in fact back stabs in the Israel state, whose future doesn’t look too bright nowadays, since NATO will have to move out of the region. Check again.”

    Can Somebody explain?Thanks.

  5. José Ferreira Júnior

    Uma coisa que vocês da altright parecem esquecer é que ele faz parte desse mesmo núcleo do 0,01 de bilionários, até parecem que vocês estão falando do Salvador, tem verdades mas o resultado que dizem é de uma idiotice sem fim.

  6. Stormin' Norman

    Great article and Trump and Putin are doing things to achieve something different, but this article’s premise of non-Rothschild Central Bankster Government owned and run Central Banks is a pipe dream. The Rothschild Central Banksters bailed out Trump many times when he was near bankruptcy. Next the Rothschild Central Banksters are already planning the demize of the old system as represented by the US Dollar with a Global Economic and Financial Collapse / Reset, where their solution will be a global One World electronic digital cryptocurrency ( their own version of Bitcoin/Libra) with Blockchain technology to track everything and everyone on the planet. This will be brought about by a Virus pandemic and Climate Change mitigation financial schemes. Through these events vaccination will be made mandatory which will allow for micro-chipping / tattooing of everyone such that without that electronic microchip/ tattoo you will NOT be able to conduct normal life activities like banking, shopping for food and clothing and you will not be able to work, etc. (like Chinese Social Credit Score). Thus a Biblical Mark of the Beast. Trump and Putin through this Hegelian dialectic mechanism, whether working for or against your supposed Rothschild Central Banksters Elites/Billionaires, will achieve the Rothschilds dream. Thus just like Trudeau or Macron or Boris johnson, Trump and Putin are also useful idiots, but Putin is the smartest one of the Bunch. Your ideas are correct, but the Rothschilds are still in control. This premise of yours is like the Q Anon Psyop that states almost daily what Trump is doing in America. I stopped listening to the Q Anon comments when the Economics/Financials did NOT make sense and the stated early outcomes were NOT achieved. The Trump and Putin show is a Howdy Doody / Punch and Judy puppet show to keep sheeple distracted. However, I do like your premise: now if Trump could only finally drain the swamp in Washington DC and have William Barr, John Durham and Rudi Guilani put most Deep Staters behind bars in prison. When that happens, I will believe your premise and not before! I do enjoy your premise though I think it is just a dream and your wishful thinking! However, your logic is sound from a non-traditional way and from your articles that I have read, you are a non-traditional, outside of the box thinker, which I do applaud! So Keep it up with more articles like this!

  7. I applaud the knowledge of the private central bank / Rothschilds and that most wars are based on lies and are banker wars. And many other points were very good.

    But there are so many weird, BS comments:

    – Xi is a good guy? He’s a communist who worked with the globalists to release their virus (they left international flights open from Wuhan but closed national flights)
    – Venezuela is socialist/communist and the people are suffering.
    – Trump loves Israel. His daughter and step son is Jew, and he’s been friends with Netmanyahu for decades.
    – Putin was KGB. Yes, he did some good things, but he is not a saint, FAR from it.

    Please be critical when reading and do your own thinking.

  8. Funny thing is that everything Trump has done, stupid or not, has turned up a good result.. God knows how he calculated these moves but it’s working. So let’s see what he does next? Can’t wait to turn this world upside down.

  9. Americans live in debt!
    The US army destroyed the entire middle East!
    You’re getting fat and stupid!
    The time will come and you will answer for everything before God!

  10. you are as crazy as trump go drink some bleach

  11. @Sylvain Laforet:
    1- The information that you put forward is interesting, however, we as readers do not see anything that backs the arguments that you re presenting. What are your thoughts on this? Do you have anything to tell your sceptic readers?
    2- Regarding Trump and his Middle East Policy. How would you justify the assassination of Suleimani? It goes against your narrative…
    3- Your point of view of Trump and Putin as actors agains the NWO are almost set in stone, I go back to point #1; any evidence? Or random sources that you came by?

    I believe that answering these questions might clarify your way of work to some readers.

    Thank you.

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  14. Question: what are your sources? That usually helps increasing the credibility.

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  17. scepticus

    Yes, pigs can fly

  18. Trump wants to spend €1trillion on upgrading US nuclear arsenal. Does he know Nuclear Weapons are a redundant and non-existent threat? Read my e-book at Amazon Nuclear Weapons Fact or Fiction. He should use the money to restart the economy.

  19. Fake is Fake

    This is quite possibly the most ridiculous article I’ve read in a very long time. So many absurd claims you’d swear it came out of a Russian propaganda machine. And the absurdity starts early – Trump’s ‘overall objective is so ambitious that he has to follow random elliptic courses to get from point A to point B, using patterns that throw people off on their comprehension of the man’. Trump’s incoherence is not due to random elliptic courses. He is uneducated and ignorant, selfish and narcissistic, not the stable genius he believes he is. Laughable that the moaners of ‘fake news’ like Trump, Putin, Duterte and Bolsanaro are all rich and want to desperately hold on to power in countries that have so many poor people. Conservatives in power don’t give a toss about the poor, so they peddle the most fake news. And, just like ‘Laforest’ claims, they say that anyone who dares to disagree with them is hopeless or a useless idiot.

  20. So where does the fake pandemic and the staged Floyd drama fit into this narrative. Fascinating stuff…

  21. This is an interesting opinion piece , but that is all it is is – opinion. Where is the evidence for this world view? All the ‘evidence’ for 9/11 being an inside job has been debunked. There is excellent scientific evidence for greenhouse gases. I also disagree with the comment Trump is not a narcissist – he is the definition of narcissistic – he so dearly wants to be loved and respected. The problem with all these conspiracy opinion pieces is the sheer absurdity of this secret NWO manipulating the world’s population. In reality it is just not possible that everyone is in the dark about this stuff. As the other review says – Occam’s razor – the simplest explanation is most likely . Trump is a narcissist and an opportunist, he is not a super intelligent strategist – plenty of evidence in support of this.

    • Uli Johann Heinrich

      “Occam’s razor – the simplest explanation is most likely.” Let’s apply it to the question of the meaning of your comment. The simplest explanation is that you are a troll. However, not much less simple is the assumption that you believe what you write – an excessive believer in the official narratives of the rulers and their media hypnotists. That would be shocking, of course.

      Should I actually go into the absurd theory that 19 carpet knifes swinging Islamists in New York would have brought down three skyscrapers with two planes, let alone the other stupid nonsense. The official 9/11 narrative is truly one of the craziest conspiracy theories I’ve ever heard. And here your sentence fits: „In reality it is just not possible that everyone is in the dark about this stuff.“ But apparently you are.

      Should I go into the theory of the cataclysmal CO2 ? That the little bit of anthropogenic CO2 causes a “climate catastrophe” is a hypothesis that reduces the enormously complex system “climate” with its thousand powerful variables and many conceivable and much moore incalculable interactions to a sparse model. No serious scientist confuses the model with reality.
      If you don’t understand this, you should understand that the shameless abuse of underage children and adolescents at ”Fridays for Future” and the bizarre Greta show clearly show which powers are behind such a staging. It is not difficult to see the interest in tremendous power and profit. (Incidentally, we also find the same “usual suspects” in the control powers and profiteers of Corrona madness.)

      Should I go into the term “narcissist”? That could lead us to the land of endless psychological chitchat.
      Is Trump a „narcissist“?

      He dared to conflict with the most ruthless, shameless powers of the present era. If he fails, the politics of war, disruption, exploitation and the path to a global fascism of high finance and global corporations will continue. Trump, who could live a very comfortable luxurious life, is literally using his life to save millions of lives. He is exposed to hatred, slander, and dirty campaigns that have probably never existed in US history.

      A policy without contradictions is not possible under such conditions. Tricks and sophistication are also required. And courage, a lot of courage.

      Should I say anything else about conspiracy theories?
      Conspiracies have always been an integral part of world affairs; Today, at most, they are organized more professionally because knowledge has been expanded and new instruments are available. You should know that. Without this knowledge, you don’t understand anything – neither in history (historical science is always also professional conspiracy theory) nor in the present. The most important thing happens behind the scenes.

      The fascists, who are also Trump’s sworn enemies, are globalists today, so also the patriots of all peoples must unite and support each other in the true anti-fascist struggle for their freedom. With this in mind, I send you my greetings across the ocean.

      (Finally the Note de rigueur: I am German, my Treasury of words in English is not very impressive and my mastering of grammar precarious. This explains possible errors.)

  22. ( 1 ) I found it really weird that the author kept referring to Trump as “Donald”. Noone else refers to presidents by their first names. People talked about Nixon, not Richard; Reagan, not Ronald; Kennedy, not Jack; Obama, not Barack. The only politician frequently referred to on a first-name basis is Hillary Clinton, which could be to distinguish her from Bill Clinton; or could be because she is a woman, since people often treat women with less respect than men. In any case, in the article— It just had an odd inappropriately-intimate feel to it.

    ( 2 ) I don’t understand why authors feel the need to insult readers who don’t agree with them, but it is another red flag for me. This article ended with “If you still don’t understand Donald Trump after reading the above, you’re hopeless.”

    ( 3) The author referred to “fake news” and made it sound like Trump discovered, single-handedly, that there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media, and that we needed him to bring it to our aattention.
    Most people I know have known all our lives that there is fake news. When JFK was assassinated, the Warren Commission determined that it was the work of a single lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. And yet every poll ever taken, that I know of, has anywhere from 50 to 75 or 80% of the american public believing the Warren commission was a whitewash, there was a conspiracy, Oswald did not act alone. So since Kennedy was killed in 1963, the idea of there being fake news goes back at least 50 years !

    Or take 9/11, another good example of fake news in the mainstream media. Polls in 2004 indicated 49% of New York residents thought people in our government knew ahead of time and did nothing, compared to 41% thinking it was all above-board. National poll in 2006 , 42% thought there was a coverup, vs 48% no cover-up. So large segments of the US population are perfectly aware that there are coverups and what is now being called “fake news” exists–Trump didnt discover it by any means, and since people already know about it, he isnt really waking us up to anything we dont already know.

    ( early in the article ….” humanity’s worst collective flaw, its total ignorance of reality. Because medias and education are both controlled by the handful of billionaires that are running the planet, we don’t know anything about our history that’s been twisted dry by the winners, and we don’t have a clue about our present world” —- totally insulting to all of us, we are too stupid, it took Donald Trump to wake us up )

    ( 4 ) Author also says —” 44 Presidents came and went without even raising one word about this huge problem, before the 45th came along”. This is BS. Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex. Kennedy was ready to “splinter the CIA” jest before he got shot, which may be WHY he got shot. He was also planning to undo the Federal Reserve’s control of money. Congress is supposed to be creating money, not a bank that has the sneaky name FEDERAL Reserve when it has nothing to do with the federal govt at all. Lincoln, ditto, he refused to borrow from the banks to fund the civil war.

    ( 5 ) At end of that section, author states “ Trump knows that freeing the people out of this unfathomable ignorance is the first step to overall freedom, so he started calling mainstream journalists and their news outlets for what they are: pathological liars.”. Hmm, pot calling kettle black? Trump is so FAMOUS for his lies that Twitter or Instagram or one of them, started putting warning alerts about his tweets as to their likelihood of being untrue; other media regularly publish lists of his lies of the day.

    ( 6 ) Author raves about Putin. “ Putin took power and drained the Russian swamp” All I need to say about Putin is what Hillary Clinton said in one of the debates, in response to Trump saying he “saw Putin’s soul” when he looked in his eyes—Her response was “He was KGB which means he has no soul, by definition”. Putin rose to power from the ranks of the KGB, the Soviet equivalent to our CIA, and since the CIA is a big part of the deep state / swamp etc, correspondingly Putin IS from the Russian swamp. He may have drained it of some of his competitors, but he definitely did not drain the swamp. Not worthy of any glorification.

    In the section “Mighty Russia”, author states “pushing this great nation to help many smaller countries fighting to keep their own independence. “. BS, again. Russia took over control of Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, many other eastern European countries referred to back in the Cold War days as the “eastern bloc” countries—-after taking numerous other countries like Kazakhstan, and all the other ending-in-”stan” countries , plus Georgia, Ukraine,. Byelorussia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia —the USSR was the “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”, and there were some 15 of these republics that all essentially got swallowed up and taken over by Russia, the biggest and most powerful of them all. Helping smaller countries —bullshit. They were as imperialistically domineering as we, or Britain and France and Spain and Portugal, ever were.

    ( 7 ). “One has to realize how much trouble the US army and spying agencies have been going through in creating false-flag operations for more than a century, so that their interventions always looked righteous, in the name of democracy promotion, human rights and justice around the planet”. All the examples of false-flag attacks, done by us and made to look like they were done by someone else, are true. But it’s nothing new. Hitler did it with the burning of the Reichstag. Putin did it with the Chechen bombings. Everybody does it in the world of politics. It doesnt indicate anything about how much trouble anyone is in.

    ( 8 ) “The first test on his new approach was to try to stop the growing danger of an attack and invasion of North Korea by NATO”. This is more BS. NATO stands for the NORTH ATLANTIC Treaty Organization., Korea is on the other side of the world, not in their territory. There was no chance whatsoever that NATO was planning to invade North Korea.

    ( 9 ) “ the Democratic party and the warmongering half of the Republicans are working against him and are even trying to impeach him”—no the warmongering Republicans were not trying to impeach him, only the Democrats. Only Romney supported impeachment, and on only one of the two articles of impeachment.

    ( 10 ) There was a guy whose name I can’t remember , in the Russian government, he was something like Minister of Information or something along those lines—had a background in theater, and he just took the whole fake news things to its extreme limit—he would spread conflicting information, pro-Putin, anti-Putin, whatever, the whole strategy being to get everyone so confused they dont know what to believe, and dont trust anything as a news source. That also seems to be part of what those troll farms and bots are doing to us—spreading fake news of every variety to sow distrust and conflict .

    One of the things with disinformation campaigns is that they mix in true stuff with lies. This article is full of that. Yes, the American false flag attacks were all real. That part is true. But what is left out is that everyone has ALWAYS done false flag attacks. And the misinterpretation is that this is a sign of weakness and being crippled.

    Just the fact that the author raves about Putin being so great, and Russia being so great (that one section with title “Mighty Russia”…) makes me wonder if the article is actually part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

    ( 11 ) One of the comments from someone right below the article sums it up quite nicely—
    “Occam’s razor tells us, that the simplest theory to explain an observation is the one most likely to be true.
    In the case of Trump, the observation is his crazy and outrageous behaviour.
    We have two theories to explain our observation:
    1 The complicated and far fetched kitchen-psychological ruminations stated above.
    2 Common insanity.
    Which is simpler?

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